Philips Customized Assessment and Risk Evaluation.

The Philips CARE (Customized Assessment and Risk Evaluator) tool can help you provide more comprehensive care for your patients at all stages of life. Based on your evaluation and the clinical data you provide, the CARE tool will generate an assessment and make recommendations for you to consider — showing your patient's low, moderate, high or extreme risk factors. You'll then be given instructions that will help you manage your patient's ongoing oral health.

Dental Caries

By managing microbial infection and promoting protective factors, you can help patients slow or halt the disease.

Periodontal Diseases

Recommendations to help your patients slow or halt the destructive processes by incorporating good oral hygiene, professional preventive services and antimicrobial treatment.

Oral Pathology

Identifying patients at risk for life threatening oral pathology raises awareness, as early detection is key to improving survival rates.

Important Note: This document is not intended to be used as medical advice. It offers licensed dental professionals an interactive assessment tool based on standards from a variety of respected industry protocols, and is intended to be used as a supplement to the professional care they provide to their patients.